The Bow Talon is made start to finish right here in the good ol' USA. No China products found here sir.
Patent Pending
Our Patent Pending design is made lightweight and extremely durable.

The Bow Talon attaches to your belt or backpack strap with ease.
Kam Canaday,
Professional Athlete
"It's a game changer. Extremely innovative and simple. The Bow Talon allows me to use my hands in clutch situations."
Andy May,
Michigan Bowhunter
"I've used the Bow Talon over the past year. It aids in less movement while hunting and ultimately makes you a more effective hunter."
Elijah Gerig,
Oregon Bowhunter
"The most slick and useful accessory on my bow! I use it while hunting and during practice."

The Bow Talon Story
Tristan Schneider was born and raised in a small town in Oregon. Growing up in the woods lead to a passion for the outdoors and for bowhunting. Throughout high school, Tristan skipped sports every year to bow hunt elk and blacktail deer. As time passed and more tags were filled, his passion for western bowhunting continued to grow. In 2021 he pulled up his roots and moved to Fort Worth Texas to pursue the Lord at ministry school. While in Texas, he started working for Legacy Archery DFW, a local archery shop near his new home. One day while at work, an idea for a new archery accessory came to him. He quickly drew it on a piece of paper. With help from friends at the shop, a prototype was soon made and tested. The Bow Talon was born. A simple idea, that will change the way people bow hunt.

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